Family Photos > Kevin's Graduation Party (17)
Kevin's Graduation Party
Fruit cup.
Kevin's Graduation Party
The guest of honor.
Kevin's Graduation Party
If you were wondering where Kevin gets it from, here is the source.
Kevin's Graduation Party
Why does Carrissa look so sleepy?
Kevin's Graduation Party
Because she chases after Even...
Kevin's Graduation Party
...and Lilly all day. Evan and Lilly are okay by me because they were the number 1 fans of my hot dogs!
Kevin's Graduation Party
The food room.
Kevin's Graduation Party
Stan and Diane.
Kevin's Graduation Party
The cake.
Kevin's Graduation Party
Looks like Scarlet hit the wall pretty hard. Good work dad!
Kevin's Graduation Party
Juliette and Paddy partied on late into the night!
Kevin's Graduation Party
Our friend Coleen came down to the party from Ithica. On Sunday I took her for a tour of the Chester County countryside.
Kevin's Graduation Party
Riding around western Chester County I often see horse and buggies.
Kevin's Graduation Party
This buggy, however, was not the typical black Amish buggy with a single horse!
Kevin's Graduation Party
Quite a sight actually.
Kevin's Graduation Party
I'm hoping that is just a result of all the grilled food we had at the party.
Kevin's Graduation Party
Whooo. Whatever it is William and Paddy have it too.