
The Stroud Preserve, 14 October 2012

Today William and I decided to take an afternoon walk down at the Preserve. It was unseasonably warm above 70! Also a bit windy. We saw many caterpillars of many varies. William picked all of them up. See photos here. All in all it was pretty slow. No warblers around at all.


Stat time: 1:00
End time: 3:00
Temp: 70
Wind: moderate to strong from the southwest.
Skies: high clouds
Species Total: 34

Black Vulture – 1
Turkey Vulture – as usual, 20-30 over head with a few roosting on the power lines
Canada Goose – approx. 200 flew up from the Bobolink fields
Osprey – 1
Sharp-shinned Hawk – 6
Red-tailed Hawk – 4
Rock Dove – 10
Morning Dove – approx. 10
Red-bellied Woodpecker – approx. 5
Downy Woodpecker – 1
Northern Flicker – 1
Eastern Phoebe – 1, they seem to be thinning out
Blue Jay – approx. 50
American Crow – approx. 50
Tree Swallow – 200, these were the only bird that seemed to be on the move
Carolina Chickadee – approx. 5
Tufted Titmouse – approx. 5
White-breasted Nuthatch – 1
Carolina Wren – 1, heard only
Ruby-crowned Kinglet – 2
Eastern Bluebird – approx. 10
American Robin - approx. 100
Gray Catbird - approx. 1
European Starling – approx. 10
Cedar Waxwings – approx. 10
Eastern Towhee – 2
Song Sparrow – approx. 10
Swamp Sparrow – 1
White-throated Sparrow – 2
Northern Cardinal – 2
Red-winged Blackbird – approx. 10
House Finch – approx. 10
Purple Finch – approx. 10
American Goldfinch – approx. 15

The Stroud Preserve, 12 October 2012

Today’s visit to the Stroud Preserve was chilly as I noted the first frost of the fall. The photo above shows frost on the railing of the parking lot. I did not see any frost on the ground. We may not see it for the next week or so either as the predicted lows for the next five days are all above 45°.

I started out an hour early at about 7:45 today as Mary was home and could take Paddy to the bus stop. I told Mary that compared to yesterday I would need to see a condor for the day to amount to anything. Nonetheless, I headed out under mostly clear skies, a bit chipper, and a light wind. I stayed out until 11:00 AM, the first two hours were slow and methodical birding, the last hour I pick up the pace to get my heart rate up. Here is what I saw. Total species: 52. Notable sightings in bold.


Stat time: 7:45
End time: 11:00
Temp: 32-40
Wind: slight from the southwest.
Skies: high counds
Species Total: 52
Black Vulture – as usual, many 10-15 over head
Turkey Vulture – as usual, 20-30 over head with a few roosting on the power lines
Canada Goose – small groups of 3-4 bird flying over head, approximately 30 total
Wood Duck – a male and two females in the Brandywine as I started out
Bald Eagle – only one adult today
Sharp-shinned Hawk – 3, one roosting in the willows on south side of old farm pond
Cooper’s Hawk – 1
Red-tailed Hawk – 10
Merlin – 1, on the west end of the preserve.
Rock Dove – 1
Morning Dove – approx. 10
Yellow-billed Cuckoo – Bird of the day! One at the bridge over the Brandywine, very late migrant
Red-bellied Woodpecker – approx. 10
Downy Woodpecker – approx. 10
Northern Flicker – 2
Eastern Phoebe – 1, they seem to be thinning out
Blue Jay – approx. 100, clearly migrating, most moving towards the southwest
American Crow – approx. 150
Tree Swallow – 10-15
Carolina Chickadee – approx. 15
Tufted Titmouse – approx. 15
White-breasted Nuthatch – 3
Red-breasted Nuthatch – 1, heard only
Carolina Wren – 4-5, heard only
House Wren – 1, heard only
Ruby-crowned Kinglet – 2
Eastern Bluebird - approx. 80, clearly migrants.
American Robin - approx. 100
Gray Catbird - approx. 10
Northern Mockingbird – 3
European Starling – approx. 100, flocking with blackbirds
Cedar Waxwings – approx. 30
Tennessee Warbler – 1
Nashville Warlber – 3
Magnolia Warlber – 1, getting late
Black-throated Blue Warbler – 1, getting late
Yellow-rumped Warbler – approx. 30
Palm Warbler – approx. 15
Common Yellowthroat – 1
Eastern Towhee – 5
Field Sparrow – 2
Song Sparrow – approx. 75
Lincoln Sparrow – 1
Swamp Sparrow – 5
White-throated Sparrow – approx. 25
Northern Cardinal – 10
Red-winged Blackbird – approx. 300
Common Grackle – 1, probably more in with the Redwings, but only one for sure
Brown-headed Cowbird – approx. 25
House Finch – approx. 75
Purple Finch – approx. 150
American Goldfinch – approx. 75

Awww, birding on the east coast ain’t so bad after all!

Back when we were living in Washington State and I would see something like Mount Rainier or a pod of orca whales, I would always say “well, you don’t see shit like that in Philadelphia!” Of course I was 100% correct, you don’t see shit like that in Philadelphia. Not by a long stretch. However, Mother Nature still has great and wonderful things to send your way here if you are looking for it.

For example, back in September 5th, after I had gotten the kids off to school and was standing at the kitchen sink washing dishes. I took a look out the back window to see a little yellow bird hopping in and amongst the leaves of a hosta below me. When it hopped out into full view, I could see that it was a Connecticut Warbler! Perhaps the most sought after fall warbler species on the east coast. It has been at least 20 years since the last time I have seen one of these little guys! And a yard bird to boot!

While that was really exciting it was no match for today’s excitement. For most of September and October I have been birding for a couple of hours a day down at the Stroud Preserve, which is just three miles away from home. Ecologically speaking, there is nothing really special about the place other than a small serpentine outcrop that has a few really rare plants. For the most part it is a fractured landscape consisting of small chunks of forest, streams, open grassy fields and row crops. It essentially resembles the rest of Chester County’s agricultural lands. I have seen many good birds there over the past year. It occasionally produces some outstanding birds, and today I had two!

I usually like to ride my bike down to the entrance, but today William missed the bus and I had to drive him to school, so, I just decided to drive on the preserve. As I got out of my car I could see two large birds to the north flying low over the east fork of the Brandywine Creek. They were just close enough for me to discern that one of them was an adult Bald Eagle because I could clearly see its big white head and big white tail. It was unmistakable and could be nothing else. The other bird looked all dark to me so I assumed it was an immature Bald Eagle. The adult was chasing and harassing it.

I stood up, stretched, and put my binocular strap over my head and took a closer look. Immediately I was reminded why you shouldn’t make assumptions as the darker bird had a bicolored tail, with the outer half being dark and the base being white. This too was unmistakable and could be nothing other than a juvenile Golden Eagle!

For those of you who are unaware, Bald Eagles here are fairly common. In fact, my records show that I have seen them on about 36% of all of my visits to the Stroud Preserve. Golden Eagles on the other hand are not so common. They are considered rare in the Delaware Valley and when you do see them around here they are usually high overhead. I have seen them in the greater Philadelphia area before. Back in my freshman year at Temple (fall of 1981) I saw one flying over downtown Philadelphia. This wasn’t even my first one for the Stroud Preserve. Back on September 16th I saw one high over the preserve flying with approximately 4000 Broad-winged Hawks. It was so high up that I could barley discern that it was a Golden Eagle.

This bird today was low and it was moving towards me. I watched as both eagles dodged and darted at each other flying in tight little circles, with each circle bringing them a little closer to me. After about ten minutes of this areal dog fight between our avian giants they were right in front of me and only about 50 feet or so above the tops of the trees with the sun over my left shoulder, making for an absolutely stunning view of the eagles. I could clearly see the eye of the bird and the golden hackles of the nape. I can honestly say this was one of the best looks at a Golden Eagle in all of my nearly 40 years as an avid birder. (The photo above is of the eagle with my iPhone, you can just barely make out the white at the base of the tail).

At this point the Bald Eagle decided it had had enough and swiftly moved on down stream. The Golden Eagle stayed for the most part in front of me a spent the next 5 minutes climbing a thermal then heading off to the west-southwest, which is the direction that all the migrating hawks have been heading.

Not a bad start for the day! The rest of my walk around the preserve was pretty slow. I saw only the usual cast of characters, which were in fairly low numbers. However, a minute or so after I turned around to head for the car, the second great bird of the day popped out of the woods hear the old barn. This bird was large, about the size of a Red-tailed Hawk, with a broad, heavy body, dark streaking down the breast, long rounded tail, short rounded wings, and the clincher, a broad white supercilium. This could only be one thing, an immature Northern Goshawk! Wow. It flew out over a grassy field where it was immediately descended upon by a hoard of crows. It quickly headed for the shelter of the trees and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Either of these two birds would have been the highlight of a day, week or month. To have them only a few hours apart on the same day was special. To see them along the Brandywine, where George Washington’s army marched past two and a half centuries ago is not something you could see in Seattle!

Keep looking up!



Bikes and School

There are many differences between the schools that we had on the north Olympic Peninsula and the ones here in West Chester. Almost all of the advantages are for the West Chester Schools. Simply put it is just a large system with loads more money and resources. The one glaring category that the Sequim schools exceeded in is bikes. Each of the schools there, had a bike rack and they were all filled with bikes. From the Elementary school to the High School. Kids were able to ride bikes to school and park them in a designated spot. None of the schools here have a bike rack. Zero. And as far as I can tell, Paddy and I are the only ones that ride a bike regularly each day. The only other bike that I have seen a any of the schools is this one at Henderson High School. It is locked up on one of the metal benches at the stadium in front of the school. It looks like some bike advocacy is in order...


Paddy 8.0

This past weekend on September 29 Paddy turned 8 yeards old! Happy Birthday Paddy! Because of our Open House event on Saturday, we didn't celebrate his birthday until Sunday. It went well. Check out photos of the Birthday Boy here




Emily has a new "do" to share with you

We think she likes it a lot!


The person that drives this car... an asshole. I told him so to his face. Why? On my bike ride on Thursday, he buzzed me by a matter of a few inches going at least 40 mph. He turned into a parking lot about a half mile up the road. So, I stopped to give him a piece of my mind. He was in his early 20's probably a student at West Chester University. I told him he needed to give cyclist more room when he passed them. He ignored me. I then told him he nearly hit me and that he was a large asshole. 

Well, well, well, what have we got parked here at the end of the alley behind our house. What I would have liked to do is taken some clippers and snipped off the valves to his tires. That would be an acceptible Philalelphia "City of Brotherly Love" way to handle things and it would have made me feel really happy. But, I kept a cool head and left him a nice little note to remind him to drive in a more considerate manner.

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